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A fully-backed, trust-minimized & community-owned stablecoin for web3

What is
Digital Standard Unit →

DSU has been developed to be collateral for web3 applications. The protocol’s low amount of dependancies and simple design make it suited for truly decentralized applications.

Simple mechanics

DSU is designed to be simple & reliable. Users can mint & redeem DSU on-demand with stable collateral.

100% backed

The protocol operates with a 100% or higher collateral. This ensures the DSU is always collateralized.

Small dependancy footprint

To operate, DSU relies on two well established & throughly audited protocols: Compound & USDC.

Layer 2 compatible

Using batcher contracts, DSU can be minted with a reduced gas burden & directly on to L2s to satisfy demand & keep volatility around the peg low.

Future proof

Via the ESS governance token, collateral or reserves can be replaced via a governance vote. This allows the to react to new risks.

Low-risk collateral

The protocol consumes a low-risk collateral to back DSU, this ensures the stability of DSU. cUSDC is the collateral of choice.

Why integrate
DSU into your protocol→

DSU fills a particular niche within the web3 ecosystem. No other protocol is focused on a high-stability, low-risk & trust-minimized stablecoin design.

Trust-minimized, always.

A key tenant of web3 is decentralization, in all forms. Digital Standard Unit's design allows it to issue a stablecoin against collateral with different trust guarantees and maintain the decentralization of its stablecoin.

This allows for collateral with strong redemption guarantees to be used, while ensuring DSU and the protocols built on top of it are truely decentralized.

Stable, but future-proof

DSU’s design is intentionally low maintenance, however in this industry things can change rapidly: various forms of collateral may fall out of favour or be wound down completely.

DSU's modular design allows for its components or dependancies to be replaced without disrupting the protocols up the stack that rely on it.

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